Rust Setup

Crate setup

You must define properly the crate-type. The cdylib provides interoperability with C code.
In addition, rlib indicates that a Rust library will be produced.

Please refer to Chapter 3 to know more about packages, crates and modules.

# Cargo.toml

crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

Useful Crates

  • console_error_panic_hook: This crate provides better debugging of panics by logging them with console.error. This is great for development, but requires all the std::fmt and std::panicking infrastructure, so isn't great for code size when deploying.
  • wee_alloc: This is a tiny allocator for wasm that is only ~1K in code size compared to the default allocator's ~10K. It is slower than the default allocator, however.
  • wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen-futures: Easy support for interacting between JS (Promises) and Rust (Futures).
  • log, console_log: A logging facility that routes Rust log messages to the browser's console.
  • web-sys, js-sys: Bindings for WEB APIs and all JS global objects and functions.
  • gloo: A modular toolkit for Rust and WebAssembly. Wrappers around web-sys and js-sys.


name = "wasm_crate"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
publish = false

crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

default = ["console_error_panic_hook", "wee_alloc", "console_log"]

console_error_panic_hook = { version = "0", optional = true }
wee_alloc = { version = "0", optional = true }
wasm-bindgen = { version = "0", features = ["serde-serialize"] }
wasm-bindgen-futures = "0"
js-sys = "0"
web-sys = "0"
log = "0"
console_log = { version = "0", features = ["color"], optional = true }

wasm-bindgen-test = "0"


use log::{info, Level};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

#[cfg(feature = "wee_alloc")]
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;

pub fn main_wasm() -> Result<(), JsValue> {
	#[cfg(feature = "console_error_panic_hook")]

	#[cfg(feature = "console_log")]
	console_log::init_with_level(Level::Trace).expect("error initializing log");
